Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco and Beverly Hills



Roy Kim, MD reveals the top Botox secrets in his Botox Infographic!

Patients who desire BOTOX® in San Francisco may have noticed the effects of age, gravity, exposure to sunlight, and the stresses of life all taking their toll on a person’s face. Deep creases often develop around the nose, eyes, and mouth causing unsightly wrinkles which make the patient look older. Such factors may affect an individual’s confidence, leading them to seek their own BOTOX® treatment in San Francisco.

BOTOX® can help restore youthful vibrance and energy to the face. The effects of time are virtually undone to restore an individual’s face and to remove some of the effects of time and aging.

San Francisco plastic surgeon / cosmetic surgeon Roy Kim, MD accomplishes such effects by injecting BOTOX® beneath wrinkles to smooth them out. BOTOX® effectively relaxes the facial muscles underneath the skin which causes the wrinkles. This not only helps to restore the physical appearance of the patient, but also restores self-confidence and respect to the patient. Please contact plastic surgeon Roy Kim, MD to learn more about getting BOTOX® in San Francisco.

Use of BOTOX® is an individualized procedure in which your goals should be realistically determined and discussed with your physician in San Francisco. Together you will determine what specific procedures will be performed. BOTOX® is often used in conjunction with other procedures such as a face lift or eye surgery. Once your goals have been determined you will set a date for this procedure in San Francisco and will be given instructions about how to prepare.

When the date for your BOTOX® in San Francisco has arrived, the procedure should not take long unless you are having other procedures performed with the injection. Each injection has relatively little pain or discomfort, usually a stinging or burning sensation unless an anesthesia is used. It is important to remember that BOTOX® injections are no replacement for surgery procedures and can not achieve as dramatic of a result. BOTOX® injections are also usually temporary in nature, but the length of duration may differ between individuals.

Individuals may also consider fat injections. In a fat injection, fat is removed from another portion of the body and then injected into the body to fill in wrinkles. Due to the nature of the procedure, it will usually take longer than other injectables as the fat must first be removed from the patient before it is reinjected.

botox-visualizerRecovery is usually quick and post-recovery pains are minor. Usually a bit of swelling may occur and redness usually subsides within about a day or so. The degree of swelling will usually depend on the size of the treated area and other individual factors unique to each patient.

Board certified plastic surgeon, Roy Kim, MD, specializes in non-surgical facial rejuvenation with injectables such as Botox. To schedule an appointment or to learn more about San Francisco BOTOX®, please contact our office by phone at (415) 362-1846 or email at to set up your consultation.

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