Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco and Beverly Hills

Reshaping Confidence: ‘Bottoming Out’ with Long-Term Breast Implant Repair

bottoming out

October 27, 2023

Bottoming Out” 📉 happens when your breast implant sags too much towards your rib cage and abdomen after surgery. This can happen if the patient has weaker or more lax tissue than average, the pocket for the implant is made too big at the bottom, or a combination of these factors. The good news is that it can be fixed, and stay fixed!

I recently saw my beautiful patient for something else, but was able to document these fantastic long-term breast augmentation results 📸

You can see her original “before” photos, then her “bottoming out” photos. I did a repair using the finest in 15-year-old surgical techniques- use of the scar tissue around the implant, aka capsulotomy, and then suture repair. Today, I would use special barbed sutures, and bioabsorbable mesh, along with the capsule 💉

In the photo, you can see her 15-year results after “bottoming out” repair – an inconspicuous incision, symmetric breast fold position, and the ability to stay up despite those pesky issues like childbirth, aging, and more 🌟

bottoming outbottoming out









So, don’t be a grump regarding revision plastic surgery and “bottoming out” – there is always hope! 👍

Special thanks to my patient who allowed me to correct her original “bottoming out” and having the confidence to stick with me 🙏

I am blessed to have wonderful people like her in my professional surgical life! ❤️

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