Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco and Beverly Hills

Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty in San Francisco with Dr. Roy Kim

July 16, 2018

Are You a Candidate for Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty?

What Refinements Do You Offer With a Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty?

How Is the Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Procedure Done?

How does a Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Differ from Liposuction Around the Waist?

What is the Recovery Like for a Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty?

How Long Will My Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Results Last?

How Do I Make a Consultation?





Are You a Candidate for Tummy Tuck/ Abdominoplasty?

If you have loose skin around your waist that is still present when you bend over, then you are probably a candidate for a tummy tuck. Loose skin that hangs down will not tighten up regardless of exercise level or non surgical treatment, so removing your loose skin is the only way to get the tighter and flatter abdomen that you want.

If you have extra fat that you can pinch, but no loose skin around your waist, then liposuction may be the best way to to get a more beautiful body contour, and you will probably not need a tummy tuck to achieve your aesthetic goals.


What Refinements Do You Offer With a Tummy Tuck/ Abdominoplasty?

Usually your abdominal muscles – your “six pack” muscles – separate due to pregnancy or weight loss. If this is the case, then tightening up these muscles will result in a slimmer abdomen and also allow your muscles to be realigned in the center of your abdomen.

Most of my patients also have a slight excess of fat around their waist, especially in the “love handle” area forming a “muffin top.” And yes, this is what patients have told me, I don’t necessarily love the names given to these things! Liposuction along with your tummy tuck will allow you to get your entire waist – your love handles, lower back, and abdomen – thinner and more defined.


How Is the Tummy Tuck/ Abdominoplasty Procedure Done?

In the operating room, I make a very low and horizontal incision in your lower abdomen area, and then lift the skin and soft tissue towards your belly button and rib cage.  

I then tighten your abdominal muscles, technically called repairing the “diastasis recti.” Then I pull down on your skin and soft tissue, remove the loose abdominal skin, and close up your incision.

If you need liposuction, I will remove excess fat you may have at the sides of your body and in the lower back areas.

I keep your original belly button, but I have to create a new hole for it after I pull your skin down.

I then put a compression garment around your waist, and you will go home and heal up over the next 1-2 weeks, depending on how much surgery you received and how extensive your muscle repair was. The more I have to tighten your abdominal muscles and the longer your incision is, the more time you will need to heal.  


How does a Tummy Tuck/ Abdominoplasty Differ from Liposuction Around the Waist?

A tummy tuck is great to remove loose skin around your waist. Liposuction is more suited to removing excess fat in your waist.


What is the Recovery Like for a Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty?

Most patients will need 1-2 weeks before being able to return to work, lift heavy objects, and exercise.  

Right after your tummy tuck, you will need to rest in bed sitting up, or in a lounge chair. It will be possible to sit and stand up, but it will be difficult, because of the abdominal muscle tightening and skin tightening that I have to do. After a couple of days, you may still be hunched over, but less so than right after surgery.

Your areas of liposuction will feel similar to muscle soreness after a difficult workout. This quickly goes away over several days.

I will put a compression garment on you right after your operation is over. Your compression garment helps to stabilize your core muscles and also will help reduce swelling right after your procedure.  

I usually place a single drain in the area of tummy tuck, but I remove it the next day after your procedure. I close your tummy tuck to help prevent drainage after your procedure.  


How Long Will My Tummy Tuck/ Abdominoplasty Results Last?

Assuming you maintain your diet and exercise, you should be able to maintain your tummy tuck results over many years. The biggest concern after a tummy tuck is alway weight gain, and as long as this is controlled, you should have beautiful aesthetic results for years.


How Do I Make a Consultation?

Call my office at (415) 362-1846 or email, and my Patient Care Coordinator will get you started!

Consultations typically take 45-60 minutes, and I do the entire consultation personally, without the use of a nurse or helper to vet your questions and concerns without me present. Consultations are $150, and the cost of the consultation goes towards the cost of surgery when you decide to book your procedure.  

If you are uncertain if you are a candidate for a tummy tuck, ask my Patient Care Coordinator at and send in photos of your abdomen and any questions you may have. I can look at your photos and help you determine if you are a good candidate or not before coming to my office, and my Patient Care Coordinator can provide an estimated quote for the procedure.. There is no charge for this service.


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