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Can You Start Exercising 1 Week after Breast Augmentation?


January 16, 2023

Understanding the recovery process following breast augmentation

Exercising after breast augmentation is an important step in the recovery process, but it is important to know when the right time is to start working out again.


Initial recovery period: avoiding strenuous activity and rest

First, it is important to understand the recovery process following breast augmentation. Immediately after the surgery, patients will experience swelling and tenderness in the breast area. This can make it difficult and uncomfortable to move around, let alone exercise. The surgeon will provide specific instructions for the patient to follow during the initial recovery period, which usually lasts for a couple of weeks.

During this time, patients are usually advised to avoid any strenuous activity and to rest as much as possible. This will help the body to heal and reduce the risk of complications. Light activities such as walking around the house and gentle stretches can be done, but it is important to avoid any movements that put pressure on the chest, such as lifting heavy objects or pushing and pulling motions.


Gradually increasing activity level: light cardio and gentle strength training

After the initial recovery period, patients can start to gradually increase their level of activity. This can include light cardio such as walking and cycling, as well as gentle strength training exercises that do not put pressure on the chest. It is important to start slowly and increase the intensity of the exercises gradually to avoid any discomfort or complications.

We have thought for many years that waiting 4-8 weeks is best for patient recovery and to avoid complications. A recent paper in PRS Journal published in January 2022 has shown that early and gradual exercise is safe for breast augmentation patients.  The abstract and link are at the end of this article.


Avoiding high-impact exercises and chest-specific exercises

Patients should also avoid any high-impact exercises, such as running or jumping, for at least 1-2 weeks after the surgery. These types of exercises can put a lot of stress on the chest and can cause damage to the incision site.

Patients should also avoid any exercises that put pressure on the chest, such as push-ups or chest presses. These exercises can put a lot of stress on the implant and can cause it to move out of place.


Wearing a supportive sports bra while exercising

It is also important to wear a supportive sports bra while exercising. This will help to reduce any discomfort and protect the implant.


Introduction of high-impact exercises and chest-specific exercises

After 1-2 weeks, patients can start to slowly introduce high-impact exercises and chest-specific exercises to their routine. But it is important to consult with the surgeon before starting any of these exercises.


Importance of post-surgical follow-up and consulting with the surgeon

In addition, a post-surgical follow up is vital to ensure that the implant is healing well and that the patient is not experiencing any complications. The surgeon may also provide specific recommendations for exercises that are safe to do at different stages of the recovery process.


Listening to your body and avoiding discomfort or pain

In general, it is important to listen to your body during the recovery process and to avoid any activities that cause discomfort or pain. It is also important to follow the surgeon’s instructions and to consult with them before starting any new exercises.


Breast augmentation and weight loss

It’s also worth noting that breast augmentation surgery is not a weight loss surgery, and weight loss should not be an expectation from the surgery.


Conclusion: returning to normal exercise routine with proper care and guidance.

In conclusion, exercise after breast augmentation is an important step in the recovery process, but it is important to know when the right time is to start working out again. Patients should start slowly and increase the intensity of their exercises gradually, avoiding any high-impact exercises or exercises that put pressure on the chest for at least six weeks after the surgery. It is also important to listen to your body during the recovery process and to follow the surgeon’s instructions. With proper care and guidance, patients can return to their normal exercise routine and enjoy the benefits of their breast augmentation surgery.


Click this link to see the full article. 



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