Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco and Beverly Hills



Nose surgery or rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. It can effectively change the size of your nose, reshape the nose, resize the nostrils, or make other adjustments to match your nose to the shape of your face.

The procedure can help to improve the appearance and balance of a face. Such factors may improve an individual’s confidence, leading them to seek their own nose surgery in San Francisco.
Nose surgery in San Francisco can be performed through slightly different procedures. In each of the procedures, the nose and cartilage are reshaped to create the desired shape. San Francisco plastic surgeon / cosmetic surgeon Roy Kim, MD accomplishes such effects by either removing the skin from the nose to reshape it or through an incision made through the nostrils. This not only helps to improve the physical appearance of the patient, but also restores self-confidence and respect to the patient. Please contact plastic surgeon Roy Kim, MD to learn more about getting nose surgery in San Francisco.

Nose surgery is a very individualized procedure in which your goals should be realistically determined and discussed with San Francisco surgeon Roy Kim, MD. Together you will determine what specific procedures will be performed. Nose surgery can be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a face lift to enhance the balance of the patient’s facial features. Once your goals have been determined, you will set a date for this procedure in San Francisco and will be given instructions about how to prepare.

The patient should remember to have realistic expectations about what nose surgery can accomplish. Your surgeon may instruct you regarding physical activity, medication, drinking, smoking, or washing your face in order to help you prepare for the surgery. You may need to find someone to help you for the first few days of your recovery since movement is initially discouraged.
When the date for your nose surgery in San Francisco has arrived, you should plan on the surgery taking several hours depending on which procedures you are having performed. When the procedure is finished, the nose will be secured in place and given a splint to help preserve its shape as it heals. Patients should plan on taking about two days of rest before being up and active. A week should be given before returning to work for office workers and a period of approximately three weeks will be needed for full recovery. All procedures are performed with anesthesia to minimize any discomfort or pain.

Board certified plastic surgeon, Roy Kim, MD, can reshape your nose to balance with your facial features. To schedule an appointment or to learn more about San Francisco rhinoplasty, please contact us today.

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